Without hesitation, Orson trotted toward a group of massive warehouses fifty yards from the levee.
When it was developed, the site was home to Simpson's massive warehouse and was replaced by the mall in the early 1980s.
This massive warehouse is full of artificial rock faces cragged with ledges and routes, and the auto-belay system allows solo climbers an anchor.
After many hours the truck arrives at a massive underground warehouse.
He used materials carefully, with bands of differing textures and materials emphasising the horizontal plain, breaking up the massive warehouse like volume of the building.
Civilian refugees are crowded into massive empty warehouses after fleeing from the German army.
The truck pulled up to a massive warehouse with no windows or signs.
In 1925, the Radio Corporation of America located its harbor receiving station to the top of the massive warehouse.
Good thing we're bringing food, he thought as the shuttle came in for a very smooth landing on a large paved circle in front of a massive warehouse.
Mr. Kass points to a massive warehouse where the interior scenes were filmed.