But industrial technology was spreading explosively, and its early phase necessarily brought massive pollution--chemical, radioactive, thermal, sonic, aesthetic.
The massive, catastrophic pollution from the Serdobsk accident was something the public could understand.
Most excreta and wastewater are discharged untreated or semi-treated into local drains or water bodies, causing massive environmental pollution.
The term 'toxin' is a bit frightening to the public," says Kilcoyne "But it is not due to massive pollution.
Because of the massive pollution and the genetic damage she has sustained, she is missing one leg and must get advanced medical treatment daily.
The technicians in charge refused to close down the pumping because they did not want to stop the process and this led to a massive pollution of the area.
Likewise, the many factories and mills along the banks of the Charles supported a buoyant economy in their time but left a legacy of massive pollution.
The toxic waste dump cripples both the land value and residential desirability in the area surrounding it and produces massive pollution.
The Salt industry became firmly established in Winsford from the 1830s, bringing with it massive pollution.
This massive pollution has happened at a time when a great many species, many of which are disappearing, are in full spawning season.