Blade turned to the left, his massive physique rippling with raw power and radiating physical force.
The immensely physically powerful and massive He-Man physique with the 2 - to - 1 body proportion.
"Thus accounting for this boy's massive physique."
Once again he noticed the look in her eyes as they strayed over his massive physique, more than occasionally focusing on his genitals.
"Such a massive physique taxes me tremendously," Blade said, bending down to deposit the M-16 on the ground.
Just beyond her desk sat the five heavyworlders, three men and two women with the massive physiques and broad, almost brutish features of their mutation.
In high school, I didn't have quite the massive physique I have now-" King snorted.
When Batman finally confronts his mysterious foe, the villain is revealed to have a massive physique and reptilian appearance.
George had a baby's pink, smooth face; wildly out of joint with his massive physique.
His massive physique was clothed in a black leather vest, green fatigue pants, and black combat boots.