Speaking of mainstream, also in the news was WikiLeaks and this massive leak of more than a quarter million previously secret cables between countries.
On May 13, 2011, video game website Kotaku revealed the existence of Modern Warfare 3 following a massive leak.
We're deflecting most of the local inquiries with an ersatz story about a massive propane-gas leak, but not too many people are buying it.
This massive leak puts that most basic of diplomatic requirements at risk in the future.
This method is not able to detect a massive leak as the tracer gas will be quickly pumped out when test chamber is pumped down.
This could have been caused by a massive leak of the gas, which started mixing with air, potentially creating a form of oxyhydrogen and filling up the space between the skin and the cells.
- a massive leak, and it's hell to pay for weeks around the Oval Office.
And he said, what do you think about maybe you were the source of this massive 12 million-record leak?
To avoid similar problems which occurred during the construction of the Romerike Tunnel, where massive leaks took a year to fix, several test bores were made in the area to measure the groundwater level.
In normal practice it was Kuo's experience that secrets had a way of leaking out, and great, important secrets frequently sprung massive leaks.