A crackling fire roared in the massive hearth, and the flames shone on the ranks of black stone columns which marched the entire length of the hall.
There was a good fire burning on the massive hearth.
The chamber was pleasantly warm from the fire burning in the massive hearth.
Nor did he object as she directed the scrubbing of the hall's massive hearth or when she exiled the hounds to the courtyard.
He paused drunkenly before a huge fire roaring in the massive hearth.
A massive 13th-century hearth faces you as you enter the room.
A fire burned in the massive hearth, but the room still had a chilly feel and perhaps even a touch of moldy disuse.
The soldiers lighted oil lamps and tossed their torches onto the massive hearth, igniting the wood already laid there.
Sweat glistening on his muscled bare arms, a giant of a man stood before the fire blazing in the room's massive hearth.
The interior is described as having a "massive hearth with segmental keystone arch."