But what's really interesting is the massive exposure it's gotten in the blogoshperic blogoverse of blogdom.
The business itself dates back since 1969 although has gained massive exposure only in the past few years and is one of the biggest fast food brands.
They need to have massive exposure to the institutions of a functioning democracy.
That was a massive exposure to Ebola virus.
Coma resulting from massive exposures may last up to 2-4 days.
If we chose "iniestas" in that role, such teams would lose even worse, because of the massive exposure of the center backs.
This was essentially a massive, unhedged exposure to a single risk factor.
However, when massive short-term exposure occurs, acute pneumonitis can set in, but symptoms do not manifest themselves for 3 days.
The only other thing that could do this to a human body was a massive exposure to ionizing radiation.
But what about patients who are apparently fit and healthy until they suffer a massive exposure to toxic man-made chemicals?