In the heart of Tripoli lies Green Square, a massive expanse of asphalt illuminated late into the night by powerful floodlights.
The beauty of the bay lies largely in its massive, open expanses, Ms. Wren said.
Sinker ballers, sidearmers, hard throwers, all were done in by the unfettering air and the park's massive expanse.
Is unclear how well the ecozone's massive expanse of peatlands will be able to continue successfully storing carbon.
Bleaklow (a massive expanse of wild, windswept moorland)
Hanging above the buildings, a massive expanse of gray-green metal filled Sulu's view.
Yet, if you really want to explore the massive and beautiful expanse of America, what better way is there to do it?
The massive expanse of white is made up of almost pure table salt.
This massive expanse of lush jungle covers most of the vast, low-lying central basin of the river, which slopes toward the Atlantic Ocean in the west.
The surrounding grounds are a massive expanse of partially unearthed burial chambers with several buildings housing artefacts that haven't been stolen over the years.