It may be possible to explain the blue glow I originally saw on the ceiling, but not that massive burst of light from above.
Something, some massive burst of energy, had set off the five hundred pounds of high explosives in the satellite's reaction chamber.
There were no surprises except right where the path ended; there the thing simply refused to lock, but showed a massive, irregular burst of energy.
Information kept on a credit card would be wiped clean by the massive bursts of magnetism given off by the scanner.
Kuntar's group responded with a massive burst of shots.
Then, with a massive burst of lethal energies, it vanished.
Then, she unleashes a massive burst of energy inside the defenses.
Over thirty million years in the past, a massive burst of star formation had begun in the region, giving birth to the cluster.
It could have been launched with one massive burst.
This event triggered massive bursts of star formation.