The most basic reason was a massive breakdown of the communications system.
It follows a professor (Judd) who overcomes severe depression after a massive breakdown, with the help of new friend Matilda (Smith).
But two years after the attacks, she experienced a "massive breakdown," she said.
What we have here is a massive breakdown of the internal controls that are supposed to protect customers and promote confidence in the industry.
Mourning the loss of her husband and daughter, Neel suffered a massive nervous breakdown.
When we first meet Melon, he is on the far side of a massive breakdown that has left him dazed and hesitant.
"The changes that we are seeing now reflect once again a massive breakdown in governance and violation of trust at the top of the mutual fund industry."
The insidious disease produces a massive breakdown of the communicating system in the brain.
On the other hand, what you're left with at the end of three and a half hours is the wreckage of a massive collective breakdown.
That's unusual, though, unless the patient makes another suicide attempt in the hospital or experiences some sort of massive breakdown.