The 2006 Auckland Blackout refers to the massive electrical blackout in Auckland, the largest city in New Zealand, on 12 June 2006.
The computer becomes self-aware and begins to defend itself against Gus's attempts to disable it, draining power from electrical towers, causing massive blackouts.
Then, of course, there was the recent energy crisis in California, spurring massive blackouts, price spikes, and serious hardships.
Those oscillations eventually overloaded the system, causing a massive blackout that stretched from Michigan and Ohio, through the Northeast, and into Canada.
July 13 - after a massive blackout hits New York City, NRBQ manages to play an all-acoustic set at the Bottom Line with flashlights taped to their microphone stands.
Find the way to fulfill the wish without problem by destroying electricity pylon, causing a massive blackout as a result.
The James Bay network went offline in less than 90 seconds, giving Quebec its second massive blackout in 11 months.
This incident caused a massive blackout in 22 provinces and cities in the South of Vietnam.
On August 10, 1996, the western electric grid experienced another massive blackout.
For example, a news report on massive blackouts from Carmen Sandiego Math Detective quotes an official as saying, "We're taking a dim view of the situation."