The northman leader crushed a green skull with his massive axe, and suddenly the fishmen lost their heart for battle.
Hobarth chortled at the sight of a brawny northman who lurched from an inn, wielding a massive axe.
He was swinging a massive axe, and his eyes were filled with madness.
The massive axe slipped from Austin's fingers.
Thrym reached slowly for his massive axe.
Taking a fresh grip on the steel haft of his massive axe, Bili mindspoke his stallion.
He sat at the prow, staring out over the sea, the massive axe in his hands.
He wore a mail-shirt and an ogre-horned 'helmet and carried a massive axe.
There was something enor- mously reassuring under these circumstances about the massive axe clutched in his hands.
Talut, with his massive axe, made short work of breaking the large glacier shards into pieces small enough to carry.