"It's nice to get away from the mass-produced products, to come back to the neighborhood pub."
These later medieval crucibles were a more mass-produced product.
However obscure Dreyfuss's name, it's impossible to escape the mass-produced products of his imagination.
These more advanced and mass-produced products eventually took over the market.
The particular metronome is a mass-produced product that might be commonly found in many homes.
Now, in fairness, it's not clear whether this would ever be used against a mass-produced product.
Regarding the mechanism, towards the end of the 18th century, round clock movements became a reliable mass-produced product.
Many of these pots are mass-produced products of low quality.
Membership requirements were stringent, requiring the design of at least three mass-produced products in different industries.
Convincing manufacturers that this basic concept would work on mass-produced products, however, wasn't such a simple task.