The company's next new family sedan will be the first mass-market car since the days of wooden wheels and fold-down windshields to come without an ashtray.
It later changed to 2500 cars/year if the version being homologated was derived from a mass-market car (25000 cars/year for all versions).
He kept his business going by adapting as the Hudson went from mass-market car to aging used car to rarity.
Among the first available to buy will be the Nissan Leaf in March, which is billed as the first mass-market electric car.
In many ways, the car fulfilled its design goal of being an unpretentious, high volume, mass-market car for average-income families and business people.
With its high quality, Toyota can thrive with bland mass-market cars; Chrysler cannot.
The M100 Elan was conceived as a mass-market car and in particular one that would appeal to US buyers.
The company plans to use its new showroom to sell its mass-market cars, while saving the Wright space for its high-end designs.
No other company has yet announced a mass-market gasoline-powered car that meets the standard, though many say they will produce them by the deadline.
That is not a big surprise, given that both companies make mass-market cars and trucks, selling a lot of them in the United States.