A person may observe the saccadic masking effect by standing in front of a mirror and looking from one eye to the next (and vice versa).
During this period, with the total supply of chlorophylls gradually dwindling, the "masking" effect slowly fades away.
Lightning detectors do not suffer from a masking effect and can provide confirmation when a shower cloud has evolved into a thunderstorm.
When the ear is covered the subject will hear body noises, such as heart beat, and these may have a masking effect.
His power also creates a masking effect to disguise his brain wave patterns from psychics.
Also, "noise" components typically have a more significant masking effect than "tonal" components.
The masking effect is shown in each graph at various masker sound levels.
This shows that there is a spread of the masking effect upward in frequency as the intensity of the masker is increased.
My talent was serving me despite the masking effect of his suit.
This one-back memory may be the main substrate for both the integration processes in iconic memory and masking effects.