In most languages that have a gender category, the masculine term is usually the 'dominant' or 'unmarked'term.
In everyday use, the word kamerat on its own is considered a masculine term, referring to boys/men.
The terms masculine and feminine do not refer to 'essences', definite, unchanging qualities which exist independently.
The second question concerns the value placed on feminine as opposed to masculine terms in an opposition.
Talking as though adult and neighbour were exclusively masculine terms is no less conventional (and no more senseless) than this kind of thing.
She speaks with the masculine term 'boku' and is very selfish, often talking down on others while comforting her own greed.
This albeit on masculine terms as denoted by being known, like the male protagonists, by nickname rather than forename.
These masculine terms such as information superhighway, new frontier, and global community affect the way that the muted group feels about the internet.
God has traditionally been described using masculine terms in Christian scripture and theology.
For example, the general masculine term for computer scientist is Informatiker (singular or plural).