Adopting this traditional masculine style doesn't mean having to sacrifice your femininity.
She pushed the masculine style further than most by wearing trousers on all occasions, which was not considered acceptable in the 1920s.
Within the three main types of managerial styles, studies have examined differences in masculine and feminine styles.
What had his summer been like, you wondered, as denim coats and ruffled cotton shirts in the 18th-century masculine style came out?
One by one, even the few artificialities remaining in the masculine Rhodian style had dropped away.
From 1700 onward, he abandoned the Amati-like delicacy of his earlier work and adopted a larger, more masculine style.
And yet, as a paragon of masculine style, the Blass look can seem dated.
Because I'd found the style a little masculine, I was afraid it would be big.
That men prefer sweaters with more masculine style may not come as a news flash to many men.
The distinction between the masculine and feminine styles is always made clear.