Ludovico slowly slid her down his body and she kissed the skin of his torso, excited by its masculine smell.
There was a rough quality to his skin, a masculine smell to him, which was of infinite comfort.
The small room had a masculine smell, almost like a locker room.
Talli buried her face against his shirtfront, inhaling the warm masculine smell that was Derek.
It all mixed with a strong soap smell and another scent harder to define, a masculine smell she liked.
She inhaled his pleasant masculine smell.
She was far more aware of Jondalar's warmth when she stood beside him, and of his faint, pleasantly masculine smell.
The masculine smell and taste of him heated her senses.
An expensive and thoroughly masculine smell.
She played with it for a while, banging the head against his belly, caressing it with her cheek, sniffing delicately at its masculine smell.