Bracelets are $210 to $400 and have an angular, masculine look.
They also give the truck a bold, masculine look.
Would Eve, with her rather masculine looks and thin, almost spare figure, be able to charm anyone?
An upstairs room off the bar, where the live music was, had a more masculine look, done in earth tones with shiny wood floors.
It is a confident, masculine look, and in my experience men like it more than women.
The driver was in shadows, so that she had only the impression of dark, masculine looks while the passenger rolled down her window.
She wore her hair very short, which gave her a masculine look.
Most characters gained more masculine or realistic looks, and usually somewhat different appearances in powers.
However, there was a stone fireplace, and a horsy, masculine look to everything, so she half liked it.
Ties work with a looser masculine look as well.