They both have a masculine appearance.
She was a gray-haired woman of masculine appearance, who had been night-nurse in the casualty department for twenty years.
Some feature biseinen ("beautiful man"), males of more adult or masculine appearance than bishōnen.
Her estrogen was a little low, but it was hard to believe that this could be the sole cause of her masculine appearance.
While her insulin resistance could be solely responsible for her masculine appearance, I needed to be sure.
The voice seemed a bit high and nasal for his strong masculine appearance.
The dog was originally intended as a guard dog, so males should have a masculine, muscular, noble appearance.
Murray has stated he did not choose the cover and does not like its "masculine" appearance.
In contrast to his sister's masculine appearance, Satsuki exhibits an effeminate appearance.
While most dwarves seen are men, often women are mistaken for men, due to their masculine appearance.