And his marvelous voice was as steady as steel as he said, "I have not the time to flirt with words, nor the inclination.
Slowly control of his muscles came back and he straightened, looking around, trying to find the source of that marvelous voice.
It's a shame because she had a marvelous voice but released only one hit.
"You're all in marvelous voice this fine morning," he boomed into his lapel mike.
But the days when musically dense singers with marvelous voices can have thriving careers may be ending.
It was a marvelous voice, at least the intonation of it.
With his marvelous voice, he has milked this sentimental poem for everything it is worth.
To go back a quarter-century is not fair to Mercer's marvelous voice.
In fact, the tight lyrical focus merely forces listeners to pay more attention to that marvelous voice and those seductive details.
Its strength is in its high spirits and the marvelous voices on display.