As well as a knowledge of all the marvelous tools with which his workshop was equipped.
"It's my personal opinion that television can be a marvelous tool for entertaining and educating people," he said.
God gave us our hands, the most marvelous tools in the universe.
They were marvelous tools for a private investigator; too bad most of the places in Pittsburgh didn't have them.
But the thought of losing this marvelous tool he had so recently acquired caused a pang of regret.
John Paul told the media and entertainment figures they have "marvelous tools which others lack."
He wanted to look at the marvelous tool, yet feared that without knowing how to properly use it, he would do himself a grievous injury.
How could I have gone on for several months forgetting the existence of this marvelous tool?
Good magic was a marvelous tool, but evil magic was treacherous.
"Gateways are marvelous tools, but in the hands of those who would exploit it, the problems clearly outweigh the benefits."