I know the lore of Sarkovy, marvelous tales.
So it was that while they waited for the storm to pass, the Trader told a marvelous tale of a far distant tribe.
Spitzer tells a marvelous tale about motivation.
Jantiff paused to ad-mire the place, of which he had heard a dozen marvelous tales.
He tells marvelous and exotic tales of strange people with fantastic customs and unusual appearances.
Although," she said, addressing Cornwall, "I do not know who you are, there have been marvelous tales about you and the members of your company.
Many were the marvelous tales told of Draffut.
There was hardly any delay when she requested the book entry and the Voice told a marvelous tale.
During her investigation at an inn, she meets Bel, an outspoken Outskirter who can turn a marvelous tale.
And that winning is a marvelous tale which must have a full chronicle to itself.