Esk was delighted; that was another marvelous special effect.
The marvelous as well as magical effect of the Panchavadyam, a combination of five percussion and wind instruments, is to be felt and enjoyed.
There had been a time, before they realized that he could sing his words without stuttering, when he had teased her to marvelous effect.
These innovations created surprising and marvelous illusionistic effects, which came to be known as scènes á l'italienne.
I wonder," Fontanelli replied, "if this will have the marvelous effect you seem to think ii will have.
Shiara's words had a marvelous effect on the Princess.
Together, they cover practically every aspect of the technically complex production, which, being predigital, required ingenious practical solutions to the marvelous special effects.
The return of the general had produced a marvelous effect, for his people had thought him lost.
It was a marvelous effect.
The strings achieved marvelous effects at the very limits of audibility.