"Had I known previously of this marvelous device, I might have contrived a useful new machine!"
Indeed, I've been formulating a letter to Steve Jobs to congratulate him on having devised such a marvelous device.
What a marvelous device they were!
Why have we never invented these marvelous devices that explode on signal and kill thousands of one's enemy?
I wondered again at their marvelous devices, and then turned and continued on my way.
Not when you use one of these marvelous devices.
The gun itself was a marvelous device, employing five rotating barrels.
Their love for the marvelous devices was so great that it even reconciled them to the grotesque eccentricities of the Americans.
For another, the chief mahout clearly hoped to pick up some of the offworlders' marvelous devices and knowledge for himself.
She brought him the beer and told him that all night she had been thinking about a marvelous device she had just seen.