He likes a certain perfection where his shots are concerned, and he gets marvelous actors.
"And then this marvelous actor appeared," said Angela.
What is needed to make the old script work is a reinterpretation by a visionary director and, of course, a pair of marvelous actors.
It's a noisy, complicated place full of intriguing characters and stories, and it allows Mr. Crowe to kick back with a large, loose ensemble of marvelous supporting actors.
I do wish that Hollywood would look past the accident of birth in artists and open the field to all the marvelous actors in all parts of the world.
At last she said, "You really can't ride, or you're a marvelous actor," and ordered them to help him.
He's a marvelous actor and a wonderful person.
I had an instructor who was a marvelous actor, but he was an absolute ogre in the classroom.
Now I am simply astounded at what a marvelous actor and hypocrite I was then.
And aren't we marvelous actors?