Elliott saw it as a judgment which was a reward for the martyred saints.
He claims the Bishop justified his actions by talking about the suffering of martyred saints.
In one work, a large piece of twisted bark is pinioned to an open frame like a martyred saint.
Don't act as if his dying has suddenly made him a martyred saint.
Faith, Hope and Charity are a group of martyred Christian saints.
One would think he was a martyred saint or something, the way they carry on.
He then built a new church from around the year 1000, in Ottonian style, with a special crypt for the relics of the martyred saint.
This last section contains six sequences, including a bestiary and the "lives of the martyred saints."
- in the seat of the martyred saints, shall they shudder at your vices?
It is named after Felicitas of Rome, a martyred saint.