They would both be assets as martyred heroes, useful in the political games a man of power lived by.
One of them being Karunanidhi, who when was later arrested attained a status of "martyred hero".
But to many members of the radical left, questions linger, and the leaders of the gang are regarded as martyred heroes.
Sir Isaac Brock became a martyred Canadian hero despite his British roots.
David's painting helped make Marat into a popular martyred hero.
If there had been another way to lick the problem he would have taken it; he didn't relish the role of martyred hero.
The Senator, brother of two martyred heroes, is a Kennedy whom conservatives can assail without sacrilege.
They still remember what you did for Doughboy, like you're some kind of martyred hero or something.
Late that awful night, Medved vowed to name his firstborn son after his martyred hero.
Also, many prominent leftists refused to believe their martyred hero would take his own life.