Maniots, known for their martial qualities, were the very first to join the Greek liberation movement and their contribution proved to be pivotal.
They are even now noted for their martial qualities and readily become soldiers.
This provides a very martial quality to these marches.
Marck recovered from his wounds and directed his martial qualities towards his military career.
The Dorian mode in music also was attributed to Doric societies and was associated by classical writers with martial qualities.
He found their ferocity preferable to the gentility of Christians and believed their martial qualities should be further developed and put to use.
Her strong ripe soprano gives way to no one, and there was a certain martial conquering quality in her approach to the role.
At the emperor's table during a campaign in 1145-1146, a heated debate occurred, with comparisons being made between the martial qualities of Manuel and his father.
Its followers keep spiritual as well as martial qualities.
Despite the martial quality of the snare drum, mid-20th-century American optimism courses through its pages.