Frantically he searched the long marshy grass.
One was hit by the lad, and fell into some marshy grass.
Then he turned his newly acquired livestock to run loose in marshy grass for a few days, salving their sore feet.
On the marshy grass lay two dead colonists and two dead British soldiers.
Long ago the trees had been cleared from the circle's interior and now marshy grass was the only permitted usurper.
She sprang eagerly down into the marshy grass.
Gary lay motionless, frozen in the marshy grasses, his eyes searching for the black silhouette of a sentry against the night sky.
Her feet were silent on the soft ground and marshy grasses.
They both stared at the black ice, smooth as silk, so clear that tangles of marshy grass could be seen frozen beneath it.
The road peters out in a mass of marshy grass and stagnant water.