The fourth wedding takes place ten months later, and is that of Charles, who has decided to marry Henrietta.
In the same conversation, Wroxton also reproaches Desford for having failed to marry Henrietta nine years ago.
In 1764, Rodney was created a baronet, and the same year he married Henrietta, daughter of John Clies of Lisbon.
With that, it is possible for him to win the inheritance by marrying Henrietta.
Woods married Henrietta ("Etta") Marian Wilson, in 1942, and they had two sons and three daughters.
'To marry Henrietta?' asked Alix, in a tone of incredulity.
Townshend married Henrietta, daughter of Lord William Powlett, in 1725.
On 5 December he married Henrietta, daughter of Sir Charles Dalrymple Fergusson.
On September 24 that same year, he married Henrietta, daughter of chief justice William Smith.
In 1749 he married Henrietta, daughter of Peter Auriol, a merchant of London, by whom he had a numerous family.