He married Cecilia, the daughter of John Lefurgey.
He married an ugly and old woman when he was young for her money, and now wants to marry Cecilia as soon as his wife dies.
Sir Robert Floyer: a selfish man who wants to marry Cecilia because she is pretty and has a lot of money.
He wants to marry Cecilia, and he is the only person she really feels sorry for when she says no.
Nicki initially refuses but finally agrees to marry Cecilia.
"Are you telling me that he does not wish to marry Cecilia?"
Charlbury is still extremely desirous of marrying Cecilia, and, if you choose, you may tell her so.
Thomas Howley: A reporter in Northern England who marries Cecilia.
A year later, John is seen marrying Cecilia.
Buckton married Cecilia, together they had three children.