Guy's maverick son, Rick, had married Barbara, against everyone's best interests.
He married Barbara, a librarian and writer, in 1955; they have two children, Rebecca and Michael.
Stan married Barbara in 1944: together then went on to have one son and one daughter.
In 1946 he married Barbara and found appreciative support and happiness.
In 1467, the year his apprenticeship ended, he married Barbara, Holfer's 15 year old daughter.
He married Barbara, daughter and heir of Andrew of Ozora, in 1398.
He is only marrying Barbara because she would not go to bed with him otherwise.
Hal married Barbara at his father's house.
Arnold married Barbara (née Erickson) in 1981, and together they have three children.
After she falls pregnant he marries Barbara, however the pregnancy results in a still-birth.