According to the words of Jesus, married persons are in some sense no longer two, but joined into one.
However, marriage grants a married person the right to assume his or her spouse's last name.
As of 2011 this changed to 14 married persons per divorced person.
A married person with children will need to spend more on health insurance and day care, but may not have time for the health-club.
Would allow a married person who has been separated from a spouse for more than three years to adopt as a single parent.
A married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse; and 3.
He is a 35-year-old married person ingrained with all the values of a true Indian.
In some countries, a married person is not able to get married again.
In my opinion this comment should be avoided, particularly by married persons.
Research shows that single parents have higher levels of distress and report more mental health problems than married persons.