They married on 12 May 1851 and had four children.
He was married the same year, on 15 May 1938.
They married on July 10, 1915 and had four children.
Although the couple had not been together long, they married on July 22, 1960.
She married him a year later, on 9 July 1931.
How much money changed hands when it was known that he didn't get married on leave.
She married at the age of 15 on 16 January 1325.
They were married a year later on January 2, 2004.
They married on September 13, 1969, less than one year after meeting.
The couple married three weeks later on April 28, 1920.
Crassus remained married to Tertulla "despite attacks on her reputation."
They remained married until his death on August 10, 1989 in St .
Gwen, I never get both married and divorced on the same day.
She remained married to Zeno to his death on 9 April 491.
They would remain married until her death on July 14, 1789.
They remained married until Wood's death seven years later on November 29, 1981.
He divorced his wife of twenty years and married Olson on the set of the show in 1970.
The couple remained married until Harris' death on July 20, 1944 of pneumonia following a major abdominal operation.
He divorced his then-wife and married Michelle on December 31, 1962, when she was 18.
She's married four years, five children and another on the way.