"Son of the Wolfman" depicts another disaffected couple, whose marriage unravels when the wife is raped and decides to give birth to the rapist's baby.
He returns home shattered; his marriage and his professional life unravel.
Unable to comfort each other, the couple start to drift apart; and during the ensuing weeks and months, their marriage unravels.
As their marriage unravels, Teri becomes an activist.
Likewise, the Spragues' marriage unravelled as William began to drink more and to criticize Kate's spending.
In time their marriages would unravel too, but ours was the first to go, and it must have shocked everyone.
As their marriage unravels, it becomes clear that race and the sense of otherness that often accompanies race have heightened tensions between them.
When we let our marriage unravel, I kept Molly.
Corky's marriage would unravel and end in divorce as she and Will grew apart.
In one story line in the Australian director Ray Lawrence's recent film "Lantana," a couple's marriage unravels after the murder of an only daughter.