And yet, for all the pain, the marriage endures.
However, the two were not divorced and the marriage legally endured until Damala's death in 1889.
Moreover, the marriage endures as a set of financial ties.
But whether the leftist marriage of convenience can endure after July 6 is unknown.
The play lasted only three days, but the marriage endured for 44 years.
The marriage, however, endured; she had eight children, and remained with her husband for 34 years until his death in 1977.
But it is true that their marriage endured on love, loyalty and, at least in the early years, sexual passion.
Yet despite all the setbacks and separations, the marriage endured, as each of the two had needs that only the other could fill.
But others will fail to make even sequential marriages endure for long.
For over fourteen years, our marriage has endured and grown.