Divorce (and remarriage): Some Restoration branches and members believe that a couple's marriage covenant remains literally "until death do they part."
Early in 1842, Smith revealed a "new and everlasting covenant, including the eternity of the marriage covenant, as also the plurality of wives."
Specifically, they are the gospel, or baptismal covenant; the priesthood covenant; and the marriage covenant.
Our religious traditions can take much of the credit for informing our understanding of the sacredness of the marriage covenant, though this understanding has unfolded throughout history.
The ending of a marriage covenant between a man, a woman and God is serious and sorrowful.
God's disappointment towards Israel is therefore expressed through the broken marriage covenant made between husband and wife.
I will continue to oppose efforts at both the state as well as the national levels to redefine the marriage covenant.
According to LDS belief, the celestial marriage covenant, as with other covenants, requires the continued righteousness of the couple to remain in effect after this life.
To Smith's proposal Sarah replied, "Am I called upon to break the marriage covenant .
Honesty and virtue ensure the stability of the marriage covenant.