The room was totally masculine, with furnishings that ran to weight benches and rowing machines, decorated with higq school football trophies, marksmanship awards, old gym shoes and worn out sweat socks.
In recent years both the UK and US have required chaplains, but not medical personnel, to be unarmed in combat, although the US does not prohibit chaplains from earning marksmanship awards or participating in marksmanship competitions.
Steel races motorcycles, skydives, handles swords, competes in Muay Thai kickboxing, is a Master SCUBA Diver, and holds 22 marksmanship awards with various weapons.
"I know Danny has some marksmanship awards, but I think they were with a .22 rifle."
Extremely cool under fire, he is also a crack shot, having won several marksmanship awards during his tenure at the FBI.
In addition to the Medal of Honor and his other military awards, Edson also received several marksmanship awards including the Distinguished Rifleman Badge in 1927.
McIlhenny is also the recipient of the following marksmanship awards:
German personnel are also eligible to receive and display civil service medals, sports and fitness awards, and certain marksmanship awards.
Rabbi Koenig, a member of the Viznitz Hasidim, studied for 600 hours at a New York State Police Academy branch in Pomona, graduating with a marksmanship award.
Murphy was extremely cute, for a grown adult who also held a black belt in aikido, and had several marksmanship awards from Chicago PD.