Otherwise you will play a marketing role for the Americans.
Collins said the Meadowlands Sports Complex, which has a contract with the show through 1991, would take a more active marketing role next year.
For 17 years, she worked on fiction projects while employed in marketing roles.
Pound has yet to decide whether he will resume his marketing role.
Before entering the tourism industry, I worked in various international marketing roles for Israeli high-tech companies for more than 15 years.
BS7750, the British Standard for environmental management systems now being piloted, will inevitably have a marketing role to play, too.
By 1984-5, at his request, he had moved into a sales and marketing role.
Duffen started his career with Procter & Gamble in a sales and marketing role.
The marketing role in an organization is carried out by numerous individuals.
Many middle managers also carry out a marketing role when dealing with issues relating to their public.