Under the agreement--the details of which should be finalized by Monday--tobacco companies would face various marketing restrictions, including a ban on billboard advertising.
In addition, marketing restrictions enacted by the bill make it more difficult to promote safer smokeless alternatives to cigarettes.
Lawmakers and regulators in the United States and Europe are also threatening to crack down on food makers by adopting new labeling and marketing restrictions.
The measure would also place stringent growth and marketing restrictions on the 166 limited-service banks now in existence.
Under the Senate bill, these problems would be overcome because the companies would sign what is called a protocol agreeing to the marketing restrictions and the penalties.
What about the broad marketing restrictions in the settlement, and the sharp increase in spending for stop-smoking programs?
A license to run a fixed odds Internet lottery, without international marketing restrictions, was obtained from the Liechtenstein government.
Recent FDA proposal to loosen off-label marketing restrictions.
It leads to calls for increased marketing restrictions, unwarranted price rises and restrictive licensing laws.
They ranged from marketing restrictions to product-development limits.