But it offers the singular advantage of what the marketing mavens call a "driver controlled center differential."
Northwest, to Sydney At the nation's airlines, it's the marketing mavens who call the shots.
What do you think: is Hirst the supreme artist of his generation or just a brilliantly opportunistic marketing maven?
Hollywood's marketing mavens think the publicity surrounding Mr. Allen's own troubled relationship with Ms. Farrow will help the film.
Yet the marketing mavens at Universal say, without blushing, that their biggest challenge is to avoid hype.
"I was there as a civilian, but I'd been converted from consideration to purchase," he said, borrowing jargon from marketing mavens.
Here she is a crisp, high-powered marketing maven whose company measures the public taste in everything from movies to margarine.
For starters, the business school's marketing mavens badly misjudged how hard it would be to make a splash in the fickle world of book, magazine and video publishing.
The marketing mavens behind the Kerry '04 campaign?
The growing competition has spurred Kodak's marketing mavens to action.