Part of that total package might include appearance fees and a marketing deal.
That is why every few years, one or more of the Bell companies strikes a marketing deal with a big satellite-television provider.
This may just be a feint to frighten the Packers into giving him a marketing deal.
Have you signed a marketing deal with Jobs or something?
A lawyer representing one of the companies said that the government had not presented a fair or complete picture of the marketing deal.
This in turn led to a long-term marketing deal with Parmalat, backing he took throughout his career.
Pan Am says more than a sale is involved; it has a new marketing deal with United that will help prop up its other operations.
The sales and marketing deal will last initially for two years and could lead to a more formal joint venture.
They had tried to do so through a marketing deal with Qwest Communications.
Instead, they said, American Online would provide the numbers to companies only as one part of an overall marketing deal.