"It's certainly not a marketable name."
Such marketable names present the product to consumers differently from the required product labels that call margarine "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil".
Why not take a basic chili sauce, add some expensive ingredients like dried scallops, give it a marketable name and charge a premium for it?
Today, the top part of the hemp plant costs $400 an ounce or more under its more marketable name, marijuana.
Finally, the company requested a name change, as they found Cacumen was too hard for the average customer to pronounce and not a very marketable name.
Expansion created even greater demands for marketable names.
This was a marketable name which had the aim of presenting the factory's products as strong and durable earthenware.
As such a marketable name, some began to question Spielberg's role during production.
The museum is geared chiefly to border patrol history (despite its more marketable war-oriented name), with imaginative 'boat' and 'plane' doors to such-themed rooms.
Knowledgeable, well-spoken and a marketable name, he immediately drew listeners.