However, there are others who believe that he is more pragmatic than his older brother and willing to institute some market-oriented economic policies.
But for most residents of the city, other matters seemed to be more important, especially the new market-oriented economic policies.
One reason is that many governments have come around to the belief that market-oriented policies improve economic performance.
The report said the best performance came from countries that had adopted market-oriented policies to revamp their economies.
That is the catch phrase used to describe the pro-Western, market-oriented economic policies of the last 10 years.
China was a leader among Communist nations in market-oriented policies in the early 1980's.
There are many examples of good inventions developed here thanks to our industrial market-oriented policies.
The report emphasized the government's role in directly managing the economy, with a few nods to market-oriented policies.
It was the largest privatization since the Government began to enact market-oriented economic policies at the start of the year.
But three factors seem crucial: security, market-oriented policies and good governance.