Just a few months ago, there were some tentative hints that China might lift price controls and adopt other market-oriented changes.
A question is whether politicians will react to the latest eruption of public anger by abandoning market-oriented change.
Some suggested that his recent alliance with the old guard was an effort to consolidate power so he could force through his market-oriented changes.
During that session, the party endorsed many of the market-oriented changes already under way throughout the country.
It also called for a new constitution that guarantees market-oriented economic changes, respect for human rights and an independent judiciary.
To be sure, the acceleration of market-oriented changes has increased political tension.
In general, this is a result of their market-oriented economic changes.
Chile's economy contracted 1.1 percent in 1999, despite the country's reputation as South America's leading beneficiary of market-oriented economic changes.
Parliament also adopted a budget that incorporates many market-oriented changes.
Even with such ideas being widely circulated, China's current leadership is still expressing its suspicions about market-oriented changes, making the prospects for fundamental change uncertain.