They recognized that investors and customers prefer companies that use the market-driven approach: identify a customer need, then design a product or service to fill it.
"I think we can have a market-driven approach to privacy on the Internet," she said.
In both cases, Service Strategy relies largely upon a market-driven approach.
The Government at first adopted a market-driven approach in the new development.
Instead, we have gone for an organic, market-driven approach, responding pragmatically to each situation.
The success of this new market-driven approach paved the way for quick acceptance of the industrial changes that were to follow.
Perhaps a market-driven approach could work - if a council refuses permission for a wind farm, double the price of electricity in that area.
This closure is viewed as an attempt to partially de-politicize organized sports and move Chinese sport policies towards a more market-driven approach.
Based on an exclusively market-driven approach, these proposals consider medicinal products as an everyday, consumer article, almost a product like any other.
It is hard to see how any entirely voluntary, market-driven approach to environmental economics could ever overcome, even in theory, the problem of free-riders.