In September, the overall market for domestic and imported cars and trucks totaled 1.28 million, down 25 percent from a year ago.
The combined light-vehicle market thus totaled 901,077 units, down 18.5 percent from January 1986.
According to the study the European market totalled 480 000 tonnes in 1990, accounting for 34 per cent of world consumption.
In 2003 US classifieds market totaled $30.00 billion dollars for both newspapers and online classified ad services.
In 2004, the market in those chips totaled $7.7 billion.
Analysts estimate that the worldwide market for obesity drugs, devices and surgical procedures could total hundreds of billions of dollars.
For the month, the overall market for domestic and imported cars and trucks totaled 1.38 million, up 4.2 percent from a year ago.
The companies expect that that market may total $1 billion and start adding to Qiagen's profits almost immediately.
Mr. Silverman said the potential market for Antril totaled at least $500 million annually.
As recently as 1982, for instance, the market totaled only $24 billion.