Suppose I had suggested a stop-loss at 74, and the whole market swooned, then recovered the next day?
On Friday, the market swooned after the Government reported that producer prices posted their biggest one-month gain in nine years.
Even though the market swooned this week, analysts said that there were no signs yet that the drop was part of a larger unraveling of the economy.
But within two years of the company's stock sale, the market swooned and the economy faltered, curtailing demand for such advice.
This year, the total is zero, which, of course, served her well as those markets swooned.
Chinese markets swooned, but American investors reached new heights.
The deals were happening because the market swooned in the mid- and late 1980's, but asset values remained high, and so there was a major arbitrage to be realized between asset value and stock price.
When the market swooned in early October, the shares had fallen to $49.1875 from the April high of $136.4375.
Stock exchanges in Malaysia and Taiwan soared, while other markets, like Hong Kong and Singapore, swooned.
Yesterday, though, the market swooned again as some big companies warned that their earnings would be poor.