But now, brokers say, the market for them not only has revived, but is stronger than ever.
Even so, the market for initial public offerings is reviving.
Currently, modern markets have revived a trend in using naturally colored cotton for its noted relevance in reducing harmful environmental impacts.
Will the market revive or will it continue to stagnate?
Regulators forced savings institutions and insurers to dump their junk bonds, and many critics doubted that the market would ever revive.
You and I both know that the market for stone has revived.
European markets have revived since hitting lows in early September, and business investment is expected to get a further lift after the euro is introduced.
For manufacturers that need new markets to revive flagging sales, that's an important selling point.
By opening up the Bourse to giant financial institutions, French officials hope that the market, which has stumbled lately, will quickly revive.
Although the markets have now revived the MVR remains still at -20%.