But in the last year, the market for syndicated programs has faltered.
Now everything is on shaky ground, unemployment is rising and the market falters all the time.
Vanguard is susceptible to the same risk if the market falters.
The African market for Guinness at the time was faltering.
When the market falters, however, the high expenses will take a bigger, more painful, bite.
One, Mr. Ryan said, abandoned a $340,000 deposit rather than close on a $1.6 million unit that lost its appeal as the market faltered.
If the American market falters, they reason, a foreign one may improve.
Despite the Dow's historic climb, broader market gauges faltered.
He watched the value of his new apartment plummet as the market for studio apartments faltered in the recession in the early 1990's.
As the market faltered, homeowners focused on improving the appearance of their homes before putting them on the market.